the JSON to deserialize
an instance of RecordType
RemoteFieldMissing = if the field names in the provided RecordType cannot be found within the prpvided JSONValue jsonIn.
Example deserialization of JSON to our Person struct
enum EnumType { DOG, CAT } struct Person { public string firstname, lastname; public int age; public bool isMale; public JSONValue obj; public int[] list; public bool[] list2; public float[] list3; public double[] list4; public string[] list5; public EnumType animal; } JSONValue json = parseJSON(`{ "firstname" : "Tristan", "lastname": "Kildaire", "age": 23, "obj" : {"bruh":1}, "isMale": true, "list": [1,2,3], "list2": [true, false], "list3": [1.5, 1.4], "list4": [1.5, 1.4], "list5": ["baba", "booey"], "animal": "CAT" } `); Person person = fromJSON!(Person)(json); debug(dbg) { writeln("Deserialized as: ", person); } assert(cmp(person.firstname, "Tristan") == 0); assert(cmp(person.lastname, "Kildaire") == 0); assert(person.age == 23); assert(person.isMale == true); assert(person.obj["bruh"].integer() == 1); assert(person.list == [1,2,3]); assert(person.list2 == [true, false]); assert(person.list3 == [1.5F, 1.4F]); assert(person.list4 == [1.5, 1.4]); assert(person.list5 == ["baba", "booey"]); assert(person.animal == EnumType.CAT);
Deserializes the provided JSON into a struct of type RecordType